Endre Bjørndal

Professor Endre Bjørndal

+47 55 95 93 75
Business and Management Science
Energy Shipping, transport and logistics Management Science Productivity and Efficiency Analysis


Endre Bjørndal is a Professor at the Department of Business and Management Science, NHH. He received his PhD degree in Management Science at NHH in 2002. He is an expert on analysis and regulation of energy markets, and his key areas of expertise include benchmarking and regulation of natural monopolies, pricing and congestion management in electricity markets, as well as intermittent renewables.

He has participated in a number of research projects financed by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Energy Norway and various energy companies, as well as the Norwegian Research Council. His teaching interests includes decision modeling, benchmarking/efficiency analysis, operations management and simulation of business processes.

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Rahimi Alangi, Somayeh; Bjørndal, Endre Jostein; Bjørndal, Mette Can the European intraday market be designed as a congestion management tool? Energy Economics Volume 113; 2022
Zakeri, Golbon; Pritchard, Geoffrey; Bjørndal, Mette; Bjørndal, Endre Pricing Wind: A Revenue Adequate, Cost Recovering Uniform Price Auction for Electricity Markets with Intermittent Generation INFORMS Journal on Optimization Volume 1 (1); page 35 - 48; 2019
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Midthun, Kjetil Trovik; Tomasgard, Asgeir Stochastic electricity dispatch: A challenge for market design Energy Volume 150; page 992 - 1005; 2018
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Cai, Hong; Panos, Evangelos Hybrid pricing in a coupled European power market with more wind power European Journal of Operational Research Volume 264; page 919 - 931; 2018
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Cullmann, Astrid; Nieswand, Maria Finding the right yardstick: Regulation of electricity networks under heterogeneous environments European Journal of Operational Research Volume 265 (2); page 710 - 722; 2018
Saastamoinen, Antti; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene Specification of merger gains in the Norwegian electricity distribution industry Energy Policy Volume 102; page 96 - 107; 2017
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Cai, Hong Nodal pricing in a coupled electricity market European Energy Markets (EEM 14) Conference; page 1 - 6; 2014
Cheng, Xiaomei; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene Cost efficiency analysis based on the DEA and StoNED models: Case of Norwegian electricity distribution companies European Energy Markets (EEM 14) Conference; page 1 - 6; 2014
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Rud, Linda Congestion management by dispatch or re-dispatch: Flexibility costs and market power effects 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM); page 1 - 8; 2013
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Gribkovskaia, Victoria Congestion Management in the Nordic Electricity Market 2012 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2012); 2012
Miguéis, Vera; Camanho, AS; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene Productivity change and innovation in Norwegian electricity distribution companies Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume 63 (7); page 982 - 990; 2012
Bjørndal, Endre; Jørnsten, Kurt Flow sharing and bankruptcy games International Journal of Game Theory Volume 39 (1-2); page 11 - 28; 2010
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette Helene; Fange, Kari-Anne Benchmarking in Regulation of Electricity Networks in Norway: An Overview Energy Systems; page 317 - 342; 2010
Bjørndal, Endre; Jörnsten, Kurt Lower and upper bounds for linear production games European Journal of Operational Research Volume 196 (2); page 476 - 486; 2009
Bjørndal, Endre; Stamtsis, Georgios C.; Erlich, István Finding core solutions for power system fixed cost allocation IEE Proceedings - Generation Transmission and Distribution Volume 152 (2); page 173 - 179; 2005
Bjørndal, Endre; Hamers, Herbert; Koster, Maurice Cost allocation in a bank ATM network Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Volume 59 (3); page 405 - 418; 2004
Bjørndal, Endre; Koster, Maurice; Tijs, Stef Weighted allocation rules for standard fixed tree games Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Volume 59 (2); page 249 - 270; 2004
More publications in Cristin
  • Management Science/Decision Modeling
  • Operations Management, Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
  • Simulation of Business Processes